
C flat major key signature
C flat major key signature

c flat major key signature

This may seem very confusing at first, but the more you learn about keys and chords, and the longer you study, it will make more sense.

c flat major key signature

The root of a key is the name of the key, and the root of a chord is the name of the chord. A Major Key naturally has 3 Major chords (I, IV, and V), 3 minor chords (ii, iii, and vi), and 1 diminished chord (vii Ο). Diminished and augmented refer to the quality of the fifth in a chord. Major and minor as terms refer to the quality of the third in a chord. An augmented chord (noted as 1 - 3 - ♯5) has a Major Interval (of 4 frets) placed on top of a Major Interval (of 4 frets). A diminished chord (noted as 1 - ♭3 - ♭5) has a minor Interval (of 3 frets) placed on top on another minor Interval (of 3 frets). A minor chord (noted as 1 - ♭3 - 5) has a Major Interval (of 4 frets) placed on top of a minor Interval (of 3 frets). A Major chord (noted as 1 - 3 - 5) has a minor Interval (of 3 frets) placed on top of a Major Interval (of 4 frets). Three note chords made from the root, third and fifth are described by their quality Major, minor, diminished, and augmented. Two or more Intervals played together make a chord. Any two notes played together make an Interval. The chords in a Major Key are chords which are comprised of notes in the key. There are seven octaves of C♭ Major on a 88 Key piano. From the root note they are spaced a whole step (2 frets) to the 2nd note, a whole step to the third note, a half step (1 fret) to the fourth note, a whole step to the fifth note, a whole step to the sixth note, a whole step to the seventh note, and a half step into the octave. The Key of C♭ Major (C-flat) is comprised of seven of twelve possible notes in an octave.

C flat major key signature